All About the Dog Days of Summer
When you think about the “dog days of summer,” does your mind conjure images of listless, panting canines?
AG Law Establishes New Commercial Collection Group
AG Law is pleased to announce the formation of a new commercial debt collection group.
The Good Life in Colonial America
Life was hard in colonial America by today’s standards.
Classic Songs That Celebrate Dad
How many of these oldies but goodies can you remember?
America’s Most Solemn Holiday
It’s the three-day weekend that officially kicks off the summer season. A time for hanging at the beach…barbecuing…
AG Law Acquires Forster and Garbus LLP
AG Law recently acquired Long Island-based Forster and Garbus LLP.
Independence Day Pop Quiz
The Fourth of July makes all of us feel a bit more patriotic. Let’s test your knowledge of this most American celebration.
Doting Dads: Five of History’s Finest Fathers
The best dads demonstrate kindness, strength, devotion, and delight, while inspiring their children to greatness.
Five Facts Worth Remembering About Memorial Day
Before Memorial Day was recognized as the official start of summer – a three-day weekend of backyard barbecues and sun-filled days at the beach or pool…
Four of History’s Great Tributes to Mothers
Some of history’s biggest names went above and beyond to demonstrate devotion to mother…
What Do Passover and Easter Have in Common?
Did you know that about 20% of Americans — and more than 25% of American Christians — celebrate Passover?
How Much Do You Know About St. Paddy’s Day?
If you claim Irish heritage (or even if you don’t), you may think you know all there is to know about St. Patrick’s Day.
Popular Opinion of Presidents Past and Present
Who is your most or least favorite U.S. president?
Love and Debt
Would you marry someone with high debt or bad credit? Would you break up with someone who has reckless spending habits?
Time to Face 2022 With Resolve
You may think all New Year’s resolutions are about the same: lose weight, exercise more, quit smoking, yada yada yada.
Thanksgiving Day Trivia Tidbits
Need to break the ice over Thanksgiving Day dinner? Here’s a little Thanksgiving trivia for your friends and family to chew on.
Ghosts Don’t Really Exist …or Do They?
Ghosts don’t really exist, do they? You be the judge.
What Makes for a Satisfying Job?
The pandemic may have changed the way we work, but it hasn’t changed what makes us happy in our jobs.
Safely Navigating the Return to Work
Employment law expert Elizabeth Blanco presented a webinar about helping employees safely return to the workplace.
5 Things You Never Knew About the U.S. Flag
Think you know just about everything you can about Old Glory? Maybe not.
How Much Do You Know About Father’s Day?
Test your knowledge of Dad’s special day with our Father’s Day mini-quiz.
Remembering Our Fallen Heroes
“In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row…”
Songs to Warm a Mother’s Heart
Classic Songs Dedicated to Mom This Mother's Day, let's revisit some classic songs dedicated to this most important lady. How many of these oldies but goodies can you remember? (Click the song titles to listen.) "MAMA SAID" - The Shirelles "Mama said there'll be days...
Can Debt Collectors Work from Home?
One year after the COVID pandemic was declared, the majority of U.S. workers continue to work from home.